Reorganisation ♫
Music, text och sång av Richard Hacke Nilsson 2005 (remastrad 2009)
Klicka för att lyssna: Reorganisation v0.1.mp3
just to make yourself look nice
and if you do
please do
make sure to leave no clue
that in fact
if you’re sacked
it wouldn’t have that much impact
because the game
is still the same
it’s all part of the act
// Reorganisation
is the name of the game
where the hat keeps changing
and the person stays the same
is the keyword to exclaim
to keep employees busy
and to make the hall of fame //
So let’s reorganise
maybe once or maybe twice
you’ll have some fun
and when it’s done
you will raise in market price
get your yes-men
on the board
to have the flaws of you ignored
they will kiss <smack>
your ass
you’ll be adored and get award
// Reorganisation … //
When you reorganise
think of people as of mice
simply tease
with some cheese
and they will follow really nice
and those who don’t
and simply won’t
or doesn’t want you on the throne
make them grieve
make them leave
call them savings to achieve
// Reorganisation
and to redirect the blame!
Hello Richard!
This is a perfect song for this summer, why not make this the “Waiting Song” for our conference calls we all enjoy dial in to……….
Have a Greate Summer!!!